Friday, February 7, 2025
HomeCovid-19In Attempting To Rewrite The History Of COVID-19, China Attacks Even Furiously...

In Attempting To Rewrite The History Of COVID-19, China Attacks Even Furiously A German Children’s Book

Over 15 months have passed since the discovery of the first COVID-19 case in Wuhan, China, and the Chinese government is still trying to fool the world into believing that it had nothing to do with the onset of the pandemic.

The country’s authoritarian leadership has been relentless in its efforts to bury the inconvenient truth that the worst health crisis of the past hundred years had emerged from within its borders.

As a result, multiple Chinese officials started promoting all sorts of conspiracy theories and alternative explanations that have no basis in reality, with some going as far as to claim that the whole thing was a secret plot by the US military.

Even the country’s scientists were dragged into this blatant cover-up,

which led to the release of multiple China-based “research” papers that came to all sorts of convenient conclusions about the true origin of COVID-19, from the neighboring India to the distant Italy and Spain.

Chinese scientists also tried to mislead a WHO inquiry into the onset location of COVID-19 by arguing that the virus came to China by way of imported frozen products.

However, China’s desperate attempts to cover up its obvious association with COVID-19 have stooped to an even more atrocious level: attacking a German children’s book that happens to mention its role in the unfolding events that led to the current global pandemic.

The supposedly controversial reading material was recently released by the Hamburg-based publishing company Carlsen Verlag under the title “A Corona Rainbow for Anna and Moritz”.

The fairly inoffensive story of the book was met with a highly coordinated wave of outrage due to one of its characters, an elementary school student, stating the unquestionable fact that the Coronavirus “comes from China and from there it has spread all over the world.”

Indeed, even a fictional quote in a children’s book written in German could not escape China’s wrath, which came in the form of a scathing statement made by the Chinese Consulate General in Hamburg labelling the book as an “improper representation” that constitutes a “latent security risk” to people of Chinese descent.

The Consulate even took the absurd step of directing the Chinese community in Hamburg to “raise awareness of precautionary measures” and cautioned against “provocations, discrimination and hatred”, all because of that single line that accurately depicted the reality of COVID-19 origins.

As a result, Carlsen Verlag caved under the pressure campaign, issuing a public apology on March 5, putting the book distribution to an immediate halt, and going as far as to destroy all the printed copies of the denounced piece of literature only to replace it with a new version that capitulates to China’s demands. 

China’s war on truth and fierce crackdown on freedom of speech domestically is already egregious enough, but the idea of foreign entities succumbing to the Communist Country’s censorship demands should send anyone who values their liberties up in arms.

After all, if even a German children’s book could not escape China’s influence, there is no telling who and where the next victim will be. 


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